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Non Surgical Spinal Decompression

Non Surgical Spinal Decompression

You’ve probably heard about spinal decompression as a safe, gentle and effective alternative to back surgery. At Disc Health Vancouver, we help ease your pain and heal your back using the latest DRX9000 technology to treat herniated or bulging disks, spinal stenosis and sciatica.

Until recently, if you suffered from any of these painful conditions, your options were limited. Pain medications, physical therapy, cortisone injections or surgery may not have worked for you. In some cases, you had no choice but to live with the pain.

Today we use spinal decompression treatments with an amazingly high success for our patients. In most cases, the reduction of pain is so significant they can return to more active lifestyles — some for the first time in years!


I had never tried this kind of treatment for my back pain. I always went out and got pills. just after the first two adjustments my pain went away significantly. Now I feel much better, move better and don’t have to take any pills.

Brandon C.

Spinal Decompression slowly relaxes and stretches the spine, removing the downward forces of gravity and creating a vacuum that allows oxygen and nutrients to flow back into the disks and begin the healing process. Patients simply lie down on the state of the art DRX9000 for 20 minutes per session. Some people read, relax or meditate — others have been known to fall asleep!

This FDA-cleared procedure is gentle and comfortable — with NO risks and NO side effects. We’ve performed it many, many times in our office and have had tremendous success treating all types of disc damage.

Spinal decompression is changing people’s lives! (360) 382-4487. Or, complete the form below and start healing your back today!