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Joan B.

Do you suffer from neck or back pain, herniated or bulging disc, sciatica or scoliosis? Find out how you can avoid surgery and live drug-free with lasting relief from chronic and acute pain.

Joan B.

During my program on the DRX9000, my pain level has gone from a 7-8 to a 1-2 . It’s gone from 100% of the time to only 25-50% of my waking hours. I have no need for pain medication now which is a big improvement both physically and mentally. Things most people do as a part of daily life are now easy and pain free for me; walking up or down stairs, standing in one place for awhile, tucking my legs up to sit on the sofa are all things I can easily do. . . Without pain for the first time in several years. I am looking forward to a terrific positive change in my life style- Pain Free!

Joan B.