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Joan’s 3 month Follow-Up

Do you suffer from neck or back pain, herniated or bulging disc, sciatica or scoliosis? Find out how you can avoid surgery and live drug-free with lasting relief from chronic and acute pain.

Joan’s 3 month Follow-Up

I hope my success story is read especially by those currently considering treatment using the DRX 9000. After treatments on the DRX 9000. My life has improved 100%. The constant pain in my back and legs has gone. I no longer have to take mega doses of pain medication to get through the day. What is truly amazing is that normal everyday things I used to do with pain, I am now doing with ease. Many times during the day I experience the wonderful realization that I am functioning without pain. My husband tells me it is good to see a smile on my face again. I am absolutely delighted that I can stand at the kitchen counter to prepare a meal without pain shooting down my legs; that I can sit at my desk at work without my left leg going numb; that I wake up in the morning ready to sit up and get going instead of positioning my body to roll off the side of the bed. Deciding to commit to treatment using the DRX 9000 has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Thank you Dr. Davis and staff for always being so thoughtful and for the wonderful care you gave me during my treatments!

Joan’s 3 month Follow-Up